Thursday, May 3, 2012

Surah:A l-Nahal (ayat:16)...... .....And He has placed firm mountains on the Earth lest it should move away from you

Surah:A l-Nahal (ayat:16)...... .....And He has placed firm mountains
on the Earth lest it should move away from you,....Allah(S .T)...
disclosing that the Mountains regulate the movements and rotation of
earth , and idea of structure of Earth Crust...Reveali ng Science of
Allah,previousl y unknown.You might realize it,but you are standing on
a thin shell of solid rock ,encassing a vast quantity ...of molten
rock.The Earth Crust (Avg:30Km) below your feet and molten
rock,extending for thousands kilometer down to the Planet's super
heated Iron core,Scientist really know very little about Internal
structure of earth,below Crust temp upto 400c(at the boundry between
crust and the mantle),the Earth Crust float on the mantle.The earth
crust granitic rock over surface(contine nts),and Besaltic rock
underlie the Sea floor.-------,a nd He has set other land mark in the
earth........Al lah(S.T) highlighting the landmarksof various region
for identification and easy access.


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