Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sheikh Nazim of Cyprus: The rising day belongs to Islam.The rising day belongs to the Just. Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. For this reason, don't be hopeless. Believers, give your hearts to Allah.

His Highness Sheikh Nazimal-Qubrusi was born in Larnaca, Cyprus, on
the 23 rd of April, 1922. The full name of this blessed person, known
as Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi, meaning Sheikh Nazim of Cyprus, is
actually Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani .
His maternal line goes back to Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi, the founder of
the Mawlawiya Sufi Order. His father was one of the exceptional people
blessed with Islamic moral values.
His Highness Sheikh Nazim, who is known for always having a smiling
countenance and being very patient, spent his childhood with his
grandfather, an Islamic scholar in Cyprus at the time, and received
his basic Islamic education from him. This initial education was
instrumental in his being very gentle and fond of people, inviting
them to Allah's path with his joyfulface and pleasant conversation.
His Highness Sheikh Nazimbegan studying chemical engineering at the
Istanbul University Bayazitcampus in 1940. In 1944, he went to Tripoli
(Trablus, the second largest city in Lebanon), where he made the
acquaintance of the Mufti of Tripoli, Sheikh Munir al-Malik, one of
the Islamicscholars of his period. At the same time, he came toknow
Abdullah ad-Daghestani, a well-known Islamic scholar of the time, and
took part in his conversations. The education that His Highness Sheikh
Nazim received from his grandfather and from Abdullah ad-Daghestani
led to him coming to possess a profound knowledge of Islamic moral
His Highness Sheikh Nazimthen embarked on European visits in 1974,
meeting and talking with people from any culture orfaith during those
years, and trying to introduce them to religious moral values.
He is loved by hundreds ofthousands of people all over the world, and
thousands are keen to benefit from his conversations. The reason why
he is so popular is that he elaborates on religious moral values in a
very sincere, warm and lively way, possesses enormous tolerance and
always approaches everyone with the love and fear of Allah with a
smiling and cheerful face.
Adnan Oktar: The Master Sheikh Nazım sent me his quilted turban.
Masha'allah. I received it yesterday. Masha'Allah. He is very blessed,
very sweet, very magnificent person, our Master Sheikh Nazim .
Insha'Allah I keep it withgreat respect insha'Allah.
Notice that in this worldthere is one Qutb al-Aqtab and a Qutb
al-Irshad. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the Qutb al-Irshad. In my opinion,
that is, if people have any conviction about myknowledge, Qutb
al-Aqtab is Sheikh Nazim.
Allah ordered our brother Adnan isolation in prayer to manifest in
him in the way He manifested in Prophet Joseph (pbuh). We hope that
Mr. Adnan will have perfect services in the path of Allah in the
His Highness Sheikh Nazim undertook his first trip to America in 1991,
visiting some 15 different states. There, he met Muslims, Christians,
Jews and members of other faiths,and told them of the moral values of
His second trip to the US came in 1993, when he visited many cities
and towns, and took time to visit the mosques, churches and synagogues
in them. In this way, he was instrumental in bringing more than 10,000
people whom he met in North America to Islam in a very short period
of time .
In 1993 he opened the "Haqqani Convention and Retreat Center" in
Fenton in the state of Missouri, to hold seminars and dialogues.
Thousands of his students who had adopted his moral values as a role
model then traveled to other countriesto tell others what they had
learned from him. Thisfervent movement took the name of the Grand
Opening .
In 1996, His Highness Sheikh Nazim began his Far Eastern visits,
travelling to important cities in Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, India,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka. He met witheminent figures in all the
countries he visited and was received by statesmen and leading
individuals in all of them.
By means of his knowledge, modesty, approach to other people and deep
devotion to Allah under all circumstances, he was welcomed with
affection and deep respect by everyone who saw him.
His Highness Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi currently welcomes
and addresses guests from all over the world who visit his home, which
is in the form of a madrassa in Lefke, Cyprus. Despite being 88 years
old, he still strives with esteemed efforts to encourage people to
live by the all-embracing moral values of the Qur'an all over the

:-> :->

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