Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reaching for the light

Click on the image above and allow yourself a few minutes to do
nothing but gaze at it. Really think about what you are seeing.Isn't
it beautiful and astounding? SubhanAllah.
To me, the amazing thing is that it's a simple image of a small (some
might say insignificant) creature in Allah's universe. It's not a
big-budget film popping with special effects and designed to elicit a
canned emotional response, or a classic novel, or a grand symphony, or
a skilled musician playing a soul-stirring solo on a guitar.
It's just a capture of the light shining on a little flower that most
of us would probably pay no attention to if we walked past it.
Rather than insert my thoughts here, I would like to ask you:
What does this image do for you? What does it make you think? How
doesit make you feel?

:-> :->

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