Thursday, May 24, 2012

QUR'AN AYATH EXPLANATION :- ~ A Fast Runner Lizard: Basilisk

A Fast Runner Lizard: Basilisk

The basilisk is a lizard species that can run very fast by standingup.
This lizard is so fast that it runs on water by taking up to 20steps
per second. As its feet touch the water, every toe shortens to
increase the foot's surface area and thus push the water easily. In
this way, its feet easily balance the body weight. When the lizard's
feet push against the water, it forms an air bubble to get extra
support and buys time for the other foot to complete its turn and
touch the water. As the weight is transferred to the second foot, the
lizard pulls its first foot away from the water before the bubble
disappears. The air bubble is very important, because if the foot
directly touches the water, the lizard could fall into the water.
When the movement of the lizardis compared to human beings, a human
would need to run at a speed of 30 meters per second and its muscles
would need to flex 15 times more than normal in order to do this
movement; this is of course impossible.
Scientists examine the movementstrategies of this being and aim to
develop systems that can prevent the elderly from falling down. Of
course, the basilisk walking on water is a result of Allah's control
over all beings on earth. In one verse it is revealed as such:
" Do you not know that Allah is He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens
and the earth belongs and that, besides Allah,you have no protector
and no helper? " (Surat al-Baqara, 107)
The Miracle Tree That Purifies Water: Moringa Oleifera
A tree species named "moringa oleifera" that is widespread in Africa,
India and Indonesia not only supplies food and fuel needs but also
purifies the water.When the crushed seeds of this plant known as the
"miracle tree" are put into muddy water, it makes the particles in
water clog and so sinks to the bottom and removes the muddiness. In
addition to this it kills many microbes and bacteria as it sinks to
the bottom because our Lord created a protein with antibacterial
features inside the seeds of this tree. Scientists plan to tie this
protein to the soil and clean the bacteria and organic compounds
inside the soil. However, for now, the only problem is to ensure the
sustainability of this cleanliness, because if the appropriate
techniques are not used, organic compounds could return to water
again. No doubt, using thismethod to purify water would prevent the
residues that containmany bacteria and viruses which cause
environmental pollution. This special structure of the plantis only
one of the details of Allah's art of creation. Allah's control over
and matchless creation of living things is revealed in one verse:
"That is Allah, your Lord; there is on god but He, the Creator of all
things, so worship Him. And He is Disposer of all things." (Surah
al-An'am, 102)
Almighty Allah granted living things a variety of qualities to
survive, maintain their existence and continue their species.
Theseliving beings have the ability to struggle against many problems,
which are incomparable to human beings, and very difficult conditions.
These beings, which are the unique examples of our Lord's art of
creation and knowledge, can hunt, defend their own by running away
from their enemies ,and protect their offspring thanks to these
amazing qualities. Almighty Allah revealed that He created very
different animals in one verse of the Qur'an:
"Have they not seen how We created for them, by Our own handiwork,
livestock which are under their control? " (Surah Ya Sin, 71)
Allah created all living things together with the superior qualities
they must have for their livelihood. All of these qualities, which
amaze us when we learn of them, are only some of the examples of
Allah's unique creation and infinite might and that He controls

:-> :->

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