Sunday, May 6, 2012

Qur'an Ayath - Explanation :-/:-> ECONOMIC RIGHTS for MUSLIM WOMEN

The Qur'an states: "by the creation of the male and female: Verily
[the ends] ye strive for are diverse"(92:3-4)
In these verses, God declares that he created men and women to be
different, with unique roles, functions and skills. As in society,
where there is a division of labor so too in a family, each member has
different responsibilities. Generally, Islam upholds that woman are
entrusted with the nurturing role, and men, with the guardian role.
Therefore woman are given the right of financial support.
The Qur'an states: "Men arethe maintainers of woman because Allah has
made some of them to excel others and because they spend of their
wealth (for the support of woman" (4:34)
This guardianship and greater financial responsibility is given to men
requires that they provide women with not only monetary support
butalso physical protection and kind and respectful treatment.
Muslim woman have the privilege to earn money, the right to own
property, to enter into legal contracts and to manage all of her
assets in any way she pleases. She can run her own business and no one
has any claim on her earnings including her husband. The Quran states:
"and in no wise covet those things in which Allah hath bestowed his
gifts more freely on someof you than on others: to men is allotted
what theyearn and to woman whatthey earn: but ask Allah of his bounty
for Allah hath full knowledge of allthings." (4:32)


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