Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My wife lies to me and I’m afraid she put magic on me

I have been married for 13years and during this time my wife has lied
to me on many occassions. Often these lies have either beenthe result
of a hidden act that she committed or to conceal the acts of her
parents. I have, however always forgiven her and tried to reconcile
the marriage for the sake of my children.
Last year, I lost my job dueto a very trivial incident. Itwas after i
returned from Pakistan with my family. I spoke with a raki who recited
Quran over me, (according to the sunnah), and from my reaction he
ascertained that I had been fed sihr. He would not divulge the
identity of the person who had performed the sihr and gave me a
programme to follow which involved ruqyah and black seed oil.
When i informed my mother and wife of this, the first thing my wife
asked was: "Who did it?" I told her i did not know but she did not
give up and kept asking. She kept saying "He must have given you an
idea of who it was", but i advised her that he didn't.
Coincidentally, the day that i lost my job, my wife got her job. I
have been trying ever since to find a job and start a business and 9
months later, i still have no luck.
Spiritually, alhamdolillah, ifeel fine. I have always prayed five
times and have alhamdolillah maintained my ruqyah buti still seem to
have bad days where at maghrib time i feel particularly panicked and
aggravated especially around my wife.I am not sure whether thisis the
effect of sihr or whether the fact that i have been jobless for so
long is now affecting my mental state of mind.
I hate to suspect, knowingwhat a major sin it is and in my mind i feel
like the perpetrator of this sihr could be someone very close to me.
Would there be anyway offinding out who is responsible? and what cani
do about the way i feel around my wife. I try forget the past but it
keeps on haunting me andi have absolutely no trust in my wife
whatsoever due to past experiences and trust, as we all know, is the
very basis of a relationship. Whenever my wife returns from work, i
feel like biting her head off and find excuses to leave the house and
i feel depressed at home. I am rather confused and would welcome
advice from anyone.

:-> :->

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