Monday, May 21, 2012


I feel weary at times. At times my passion drains away and I feel like
I'm justgoing through the motions.
But as believers, we have to make choices that are rooted in hope. We
must have hope. Hope is not wishing on a star, or daydreaming. Hope is
a real thing, because it's a part of trusting God. After all, prayer
is all about hope.
The Quran tells us that with every difficulty comes ease. Hope is an
acknowledgment of that reality, that things will get better, and that
a time of ease will come.
The opposite of hope is despair, and that what Satan pushes. He wants
us to despair of God's mercy, despair of our futures, despair of our
salvation, and fail to see the beauty in our lives.
When life becomes hard, we need to see through eyes of hope, not eyes
of despair.

:-> :->

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