Saturday, May 26, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Young man Who believes Allah is one tells how He becamea Muslim

This young man who was born to a Christian family and became a Muslim
while studying at university in London 10 years ago tells that it is
impossible to believe in the errors of trinity in Christianity and of
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) being the son of Allah (Surely Allah is
beyond that), and that these false beliefs alienate many people from
their religion. He tells that he never believed in the deviance
oftrinity and decided to become a Muslim after reading the Qur'an. He
explains that before he became a Muslim, his conscience always told
him that there is the One and Only Almighty Creator and that there
should be anoble purpose in life otherthan eating, drinking and
striving to survive. Finally he states that he found all the answers
to his questions in the Qur'an and thus became a Muslim.

:-> :->

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