Sunday, May 27, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ People's attitude in the face of trials reveal their devotionto Allah

Every self will taste death. We test you with both good and evil as a
trial. And you will be returned to Us. (Surat al-Anbiya, 35)
As is stated in the verse above the world is a place of trial where
Allah puts people to test with sometimes hardships and, at other
times, with blessings. Those who pass this test are those who remain
loyal to Allah in the face of every incident, display moral perfection
whether Allah give them blessings or limit them, turn to Him at times
of sickness and well-being and give thanks to Him and put their trust
in Him under all circumstances.
People in this world are being tested unceasingly; this way, those who
sincerely believe are distinguished from those who do not believe.
Allah reveals this fact in one verse as follows:
Or did you imagine that you were going to enter the Garden without
Allahknowing those among you who had struggled and knowing the
steadfast? (Surah Al Imran, 142)
No doubt a person's attitude in the face of trials reveals his loyalty
to Allah and whether he has sincere love for Allah. If a person has a
genuine love of Allah and willingly remains resigned to what He
creates for him, he will display the best of attitude towards
everything that comes from Him. A person who displays moral perfection
even in the face of the hardest trials, and shows submission and
perseverance no doubt loves Allah very much and is devoted to Him by
heart. Allah describes the moral perfection of Muslims who prove their
love and devotion to Him by displaying the morality of a believer when
they are attacked by unbelievers and putting their trust in Him at
hard times thus:
Those to whom people said, 'The people have gathered against you,
sofear them.' But that merely increased their faith and they said,
'Allah is enough for us and the Best of Guardians.' (Surah Al Imran,
On the other hand, it is another fact that Muslims grow mature by
means of trials, attain profoundity intheir fear of Allah and get
ready for Paradise. No matter with what kind of hardship they may
encounter, they attain the morality of people in Paradise by
displaying a strong personality, never despairing when faced with
hardship, meeting every test with putting trust in Allah and never
boasting or displaying a spoiled character because they enjoy a lot of
blessings. This beautiful character make them deserve Paradise, a
place of glory and perfection that Allah creates with His infinite
knowledge for His servants.

:-> :->

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