Thursday, May 24, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Nuniyah al-Qahtani

Truly one of the best pieces I have ever come across –
While little is known about the author, this poem which he wrotearound
about the 5th century hasemerged as one of the most powerful,
beautiful and well-celebrated works throughouttime. It's a piece that
scholars from all areas of the Muslim Worldare familiar with, and
parts of it are taught to students as part of their Islamic studies to
this day.
The poem itself has almost 700 lines (well over 6,000 words) covering
many aspects of Islam: Qur'an, 'Aqidah, hadith, fiqh, history, seerah
etc. It also goes into clarifying much of the theological and social
problems that arose in the Ummah during that time (e.g. the view of
the Mu'tazilah as well as issues brought by other heretical groups)
and it continuously givesbeautiful advice on how the Muslim should
live – e.g. how to deal with your brothers, how to perfect your
character, how to achieve in life etc.
Insha'Allah, the full translation iscoming soon…
Nuniyah al-Qahtani
- By Abu Muhammad al-Qahtani al-Andalusi -
ولقد مننت علي رب بأنعم *** مالي بشكر أقلهن يدان
"O Lord, You have indeed bestowed upon me blessings
The smallest of which I cannot fully give thanks for
فوحق حكمتك التي آتيتني *** حتى شددت بنورها برهاني
It is truly by Your Wisdom that You have given me such
Until You strengthened my faith by its light
لئن اجتبتني من رضاك معونة *** حتى تقوي أيدها إيماني
If, from Your Pleasure, I were to be selected by Your Aid
Such that its authority strengthened my faith
لأسبحنك بكرة وعشية *** ولتخدمنك في الدجى أركاني
Then surely, I will praise You day and night
And in the darkness, my limbs willbe at Your service
ولأذكرنك قائما أو قاعدا *** ولأشكرنك سائر الأحيان
I will indeed remember You whether I'm standing or sitting
And the rest of the time, I will be thanking You
ولأكتمن عن البرية خلتي *** ولاشكون إليك جهد زماني
I shall hide my dire needs from the people
And I shall complain only to You of my troubled times
ولأقصدنك في جميع حوائجي *** من دون قصد فلانة وفلان
I shall seek You in all of my needs
Without seeking the aid of anyone in specific
ولأحسمن عن الأنام مطامعي *** بحسام يأس لم تشبه بناني
And I will surely sever my hopes in mortals
With a decisive dismemberment not seen before
ولأجعلن رضاك أكبر همتي *** ولاضربن من الهوى شيطاني
I will make Your Pleasure to be my greatest concern
And I will indeed cast the devil out from my desires
ولأكسون عيوب نفسي بالتقى *** ولأقبضن عن الفجور عناني
I will surely clothe the defects of my soul with the garments of Taqwa (piety)
And I will indeed seize my stubbornness in committing evil
ولأمنعن النفس عن شهواتها *** ولأجعلن الزهد من أعواني
And I will prevent my soul from its desires
And I will make Zuhd (asceticism) to be my supporter
ولأتلون حروف وحيك في الدجى *** ولأحرقن بنوره شيطاني
I shall indeed recite the letters of Your Revelation in the depths of the dark
And I will burn the Shaytan (devil)with its manifest light
أنت الذي يا رب قلت حروفه *** ووصفته بالوعظ والتبيان
O my Lord, it is You Who has uttered its letters
And You have expressed therein much admonition and clarity
ونظمته ببلاغة أزلية *** تكييفها يخفى على الأذهان
You have constructed it with eternal eloquence
The manner of which cannot be understood by the mind
وكتبت في اللوح الحفيظ حروفه *** من قبل خلق الخلق في أزمان
And You have written its letters inthe Preserved Tablet
Before the creation of all things aforetime
فالله ربي لم يزل متكلما *** حقا إذا ما شاء ذو إحسان
Allah, my Lord, has not ceased to speak
The truth if He Wills; Owner of Great Generosity
نادى بصوت حين كلم عبده *** موسى فأسمعه بلا كتمان
He called out in His Voice when Hecalled His slave
Musa; and so He caused him to hear without any obscurity
وكذا ينادي في القيامة ربنا *** جهرا فيسمع صوته الثقلان
And likewise our Lord shall call onthe Day of Resurrection
In an audible voice, and every Man and Jinn shall hear Him:
أن يا عبادي أنصتوا لي واسمعوا *** قول الإله المالكالديان
That 'O my slaves, pay attention to Me and listen
To the Word of God, the King and Judge!'
هذا حديث نبينا عن ربه *** صدقا بلا كذب ولا بهتان
This is the narration of our Prophet from His Lord
In truth, without any lie or falsehood
لسنا نشبه صوته بكلامنا *** إذ ليس يدرك وصفه بعيان
We do not liken His voice to our speech
For its exact description is not known
لا تحصر الأوهام مبلغ ذاته *** أبدا ولا يحويه قطر مكان
Minds can never encompass the extent of His Being
And place can never contain Him
وهو المحيط بكل شيء علمه *** من غير إغفال ولا نسيان
He is the One Whose knowledge encompasses all things
Without heedlessness or any forgetfulness
من ذا يكيف ذاته وصفاته *** وهو القديم مكون الأكوان
And who can attempt to describe or shape Him and His Attributes
When He is the All-Present, Creatorof all existence?
:-> :->

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