Thursday, May 24, 2012

ISLAMIC ARTICLE :- ~ Diseases are a part of our test

What is the reason behind the diseases?
Diseases are one of those things in our lives reminding us of howweak
we truly are. Our perfectly protected bodies can be severelyimpaired
by a tiny bacteria or a virus that is invisible to naked eye. Actually
a little thinking will make us understand that it is surprising for
our bodies to be so heavily affected by a bacteria.It is so, because
Allah created ourbody with flawless protection systems, especially
our immune system. It can be comfortably called a 'strong army'
fighting against the enemies of our body.However, despite all these
protective systems, humans can'thelp but fall ill very frequently.
This should make us understand that Allah could have created us in
such a way that we would never get ill. Viruses, bacteria would not
affect us at all, or these tiny 'enemies' specially prepared would not
have existed at all. However, any person, at any time, can find
himself struggling with a health problem for no apparent reason. For
example, one virus entering the body through a small cut on the skin
can spread throughout the body in a short amount of time. No matter
how advanced the technology is, the simplest virus can overpower us
very easily.
These are not far-fetched scenarios, they can happen to anyone at
anytime; this should make everyone ponder on these facts thoroughly.
Just like all other weaknesses, diseases also are specially created by
Allah for us. Man has a tendency to be arrogant and conceited,
forgetfulof his weaknesses. These diseases help man see and understand
his weaknesses and also see the true, undesirable nature of this life.
The diseases are tests created by Allah so that Muslims will long for
heaven, contemplate the blessings, the gift of health granted to them
by Allah and give thanks to Him and also realize how weak they are,
which should make them surrender to Allah with all their hearts.
Man tends to take many things for granted in life. However, all those
things in this world that we love so much are simply the blessings
created by Almighty Allah.
For example, many people forgetthat it is a huge blessing that every
morning we are able to get up and stand and walk easilyon our feet.
However, a tiny problem in one foot could cause a big problem,
impeding daily activities. A person who has a foot ache will then be
able to better appreciate the thousand steps he takes during the day
without feeling any pain.
A devout Muslim takes this and many other seemingly unimportant things
as opportunities to give thanks to Allah and get closer to Him. He
remembers that Allah gave him agreat blessing by making him a healthy
person. He also sees one more time that it is Allah that gives the
disease and only Allah can heal him, and therefore turnsto Allah for
recovery. Every moment when there is a feeling of pain, he remembers
Allah and keeps his heart focused on Allah all the time.
He who created me and guides me;
He who gives me food and gives me drink;
and when I am ill, it is He who heals me;
He who will cause my death, then give me life;
He who I sincerely hope will forgive my mistakes on the Dayof Reckoning.
My Lord, give me right judgment and unite me with the salihun;
and make me highly esteemed among the later peoples;
and make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Delight,"
(Ash-Shu'ara', 78-85)
Diseases make us understand that being attached to this world is
utterly pointless. They also show us that everything we have is a part
of our test. in thisway we can understand that weare only the poor
servants of Allah and can be easily defeated and even killed by germs.
Allah created us, and He protects us from all kinds of dangers
surrounding us. No matter how much one tries to think otherwise and
try to persuade himself that he is powerful, he can never help or even
protect himself if Allah doesn't wish it. If Allah wills it, Allah can
give one diseases and create other weaknesses in his body that will
perfectly make him understand his frailty .
This life is a place of testing created by Allah. Every person is
responsible for spending his life in a way that pleases Allah and
istested constantly for this purpose. Those who are following the
orders of Allah anddisplay good morals will deserveto live in heaven
forever. However, those who continue to be arrogant and prefer a
couple of decades of this life over eternal heaven will not be able
torid themselves from weaknesses,troubles and problems both in this
world and in the hereafter.

:-> :->

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