Thursday, May 31, 2012


"O you people, adore your Lord who created you and those who came
before you, that you may have thechance to be righteous". (The Qur'an
Your Way to Islam
An invitation to all to join the faithful in their progress to Allah's
blessing."Those who obey Allah andHis Messenger are in the Company of
those who are blessed by Allah, The Prophets, The Sincere (faithful),
the Witnesses (Martyrs) and the Righteous (who do good), and what a
beautiful fellowship!" (The Qur'an 4:69).
1. Behold all that is around you on earth: things, plants, insects,
animals, birds and fish...
2. Don't you see that they have accurate systems governing and guiding
their life?
3. Behold all that is above you in space: sun, moon, planets, stars,
clouds, wind ... etc., aren't they all functioning properly and
accurately and rendering valuable services to our life on earth?
4. Think of yourself, of your organs, of your numerousand efficient
body systems, how they are cooperatively functioningto secure
healthful life foryou!
5. Who created all these fantastic things? Who established their
accuratesystems? Who is controlling this huge and complicated
6. No one dared so far to claim creating, or being able to create, any
single thing, even a hair!!
7. The Creator and The Sustainer of all these Creatures is One only;
if there were more than one there would have been confusion in the
heavens and the earth! That One is Allah (the only true God).
8. It is very logical, then, to acknowledge this fact, to know our
Creator and Provider to be grateful toHim, and to submit ourselves and
our life to His Wise and Merciful Guidance.
9. Our Creator has endowedus with intellect to understand and with
freedom to choose the right path.
10. Allah has showed us theright path through his messengers sealed by
Mohammad and His Books completed by TheQur'an.
11. In front of us there are two ways: one is leading to bliss in this
life and in the Hereafter that is Islam.
12. The other is leading to misery and loss in this world, and to
eternal punishment in the Hereafter. The choice is ours, what are we
goingto choose? May Allah guide us into the Right Path! Aameen!
Islam.... Why?
1. Because Islam is the religion chosen by Allah for all humanity.
2. Because Islam is the religion of all prophets since Adam to
Mohammad (Peace be upon them all).
3. Because Islam is the religion delivered by all Messengers of Allah
and Islam is the seal of all heavenly revelations, and
4. Because Prophet Muhammad – Sallallahu alayhi wasallam – the
Messenger of Islam is the last of God's apostles, and
5. Because The Qur'an is thelast of Allah's scriptures.
6. Allah ta'ala (Glory be to Him) says: "Do they seek other than the
Deen (Religion) of Allah? While all creatures in the heavens and on
earth have, Willingly or unwillingly, bowed to HisWill (accepted
Islam), andto Him shall they All be brought back," (The Qur'an 3:83)
"If anyone desires a Deen (Religion) other than Islam (submission to
Allah) it will never be accepted from him; and in the Hereafter he
will be in the ranks of those who have lost (everything) (The Qur'an
Islam... for whom?
1. For every person upon whom Allah has bestowed life and intellect.
2. For those who can see the blessings of Allah.
3. For those who can hear the Words of Allah.
4. For those who can comprehend the signs of Allah.
5. For those whose hearts are full of love and gratitude to Allah.
6. For you, for me, and for those whose blessed hearts are open to faith.
Islam ... When?
1. Now and always.
2. Obey your heart's call to faith.
3. It is your life chance.
4. A golden chance that might not strike your heart again.
5. Answer Allah's call. He summons you.
6. "But your God is one God,submit your wills to Him (in Islam), and
give the good news to those who humble themselves." [The Qur'an
1. If you become convinced that Islam is the true religion,
2. Seek a trustworthy Islamic authority such as an Islamic Center, a
mosque, or an Islamic Organization.
3. Contact the person in charge and tell him aboutyour wish to embrace Islam.
4. The person in charge will ask you some questions to know how far
you are convinced with Islam.
5. This pamphlet will provide you with answers for such questions.
6. Before you reach that honorable occasion, i.e., declaring
conversion to Islam, wash the whole of your body with the intention of
converting toIslam. It is also recommended for this very special
occasion, to shave under-arm and pubic hair, dress up, and apply a
pleasant-smellingperfume to the body.

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