Those situations the Prophet (saas) was involved, as they are related
in the Qur'an, demonstrate his resignation, andsubmission to Allah.
For instance,the Prophet (saas)'s words whenhe and his friend were
hiding in a cave after leaving Mecca are one of the finest examples of
that submission. In the Qur'an, Allah says:
If you do not help him, Allah did help him when those who disbelieved
drove him out and there were two of them in the Cave. He said to his
companion,"Do not be despondent, Allah is with us." Then Allah sent
down His serenity upon him and reinforced him with troops you could
not see. He made the word of those who disbelieved undermost. It is
the word of Allah which is uppermost. Allahis Almighty, All-Wise.
(Surat at-Tawba: 40)
Whatever the situation might have been, the Prophet (saas) always
submitted to Allah, in the knowledge that there was beauty and
goodness in all that He created. These words of the Prophet (saas) to
his people as related in the Qur'an are a telling instance of that
If good happens to you it galls them. If a mishap occurs to you,they
say, "We made our preparations in advance," and they turn away
rejoicing. Say:"Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has
ordained for us. He is Our Master. It is in Allah that the believers
should put their trust." (Surat at-Tawba: 50-51)
The Prophet (saas), by his submission to Allah, was an example to all
Muslims, and he warned that people would neverhave the power to alter
anythingthat came from Allah:
"Everything is by decree—even incapacity and ability" 1
"… When you ask for anything ask it from Allah, and if you seek help
in Allah. Know that if the people were to unite to do you some benefit
they could benefit you only with what Allah had recorded for you, and
that if they were to unite to do you some injury they could injure you
only with what Allah had recorded for you. The pens are withdrawn and
the pages are dry." 2
Every believer who abides by the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas) has to
face every calamity with the same submission as he, and to have faith
that there is beautyand good in everything. We must not forget that
the Prophet Muhammad (saas), one of Allah's most God-fearing servants,
was also tested with great difficulties and trying circumstances.
There were people ready to create various kinds of difficulty in the
communities he addressed. They tried to plot against the Prophet
(saas) by behaving hypocritically. Polytheists refused to abandon the
religion of their ancestors, others asked the Prophet (saas) to bring
them a sign to suit their best interests, they tried to kill, arrest
or exile the Prophet (saas),and, basically, placed all kinds of
difficulties in his path.
The Prophet (saas) was always patient with the unbelievers. He
continued to communicate the religion of Allah and to instruct Muslims
in the Qur'an while he protected them from danger. Thesource of that
determination, success and courage lay his strong faith in Allah, his
godliness and submission. The Prophet (saas) always knew that Allah
was with him, as when he was in the cave, and that every situation was
ordained by Allah. He had faith that everything came from Allah and
would result in the best possible outcome. The following hadith ofthe
Prophet (saas) is an example of his submission:
"Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair
of his and this is notthe case with anyone else exceptin the case of a
believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight hethanks [Allah],
thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and
shown resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him
in it." 3
The Prophet (saas) always did his best, whatever the situation, though
knowing that the outcome depended on Allah. He relied on and trusted
in Him. In return for that submission, Allah granted him strength and
Allah instructed the Prophet (saas) to be patient in the face ofthose
who made problems for him, and he was faithful to that prescription
throughout his life. Ine one verse Allah says:
They have the word,"Obedience!" on their tongues but when they leave
your presence, a group of them spend the night plotting to do other
than what you say. Allah is recording their nocturnal plotting. So let
them be and put your trust in Allah. Allah suffices as a Guardian.
(Surat an-Nisa': 81)
The words the Prophet (saas) was commanded to say in another trying
situation also reveal his godliness and submission:
:-> :->
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