Thursday, May 31, 2012

HEALTH - ~ Stay close to nature

Fortified food and supplements cannot replace natural foods whenit
comes to nutrition.
A healthy and balanced diet is imperative for optimal growth and
development of children. But what does one do when their kid is a
fussy or picky eater, or only gorges on junk food, chips and
oilysnacks? As a parent, sure you are concerned about your kid's
Today there's a multitude of products such as health drinks and
fortified food that claim to be the 'best' for kids. Earlier the focus
was on natural and home-cooked food. Or today's Gen Y pizzas, burgers
and colas are the staple diet. Parents should know how to make
children aware of nutritional requirements and also which products
Intake of proteins, mineralsand vitamins must be highlighted in a
child's dietas these are essential for the body. These must be tried
to be included as far as possible with natural foods such as fruits,
vegetables, milk and fish. But if the child is a fussy eater, there is
no harm in resorting to alternatives like nutritional drinks,
fortified cereals, juices and milk, and health supplements.
Primary source
A primary source of nutrition for growing kids is milk, which has
vitamins A, D, and B12, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and
magnesium, among other nutrients. Many kids refuse to drink milk as
they do not like either the taste or smell. Insuch cases, adding
something tasty as well as nutritious can help. Such additives have
mainly either cocoa or malt to enhance the flavour of milk. The choice
of a healthdrink can be tricky but a comparison of various products
and their nutritional content can help you make an informed decision.
Alternatively ask your family doctor for advice. Fortified milk, which
contains added minerals, vitamins and iron, is another option. These
essential nutrients not onlyhelp in overall development but also
safeguard the child againstinfections such as cold and flu.
Poor lifestyle choices such as eating processed and junk food over
natural foods, skipping meals and over or under-eating, stress and
contact with an ill person are the main causes of infection as they
compromise immunity.
Immune system
Good nutrition is key to a strong immune system. Eating a healthy
diet, drinking lots of water, regular exercise and adequate amount of
sleep are some ways by which the possibility of infections can be
reduced. A child's immune system is still developing and they are the
most likely victims of infections. Some vitamins, minerals and other
nutrients protect and repair cells and fight free radicals, which
interfere with the immune system. Building a strong immune system is
paramount in keeping colds, flu and other infections away. Colourful
fruits and vegetables — especially purple, blue, red, orange, and
yellow colours — are the best natural sources forantioxidants. But if
these are not supplied by the diet, experts suggest supplements
especially if there is deficiency.
While taking supplements under a doctor's observation is not a bad
idea, do not depend completely on them. Supplements may help build
immunity but cannot replace a balanced diet. The best way is to take
thenatural route to health as foods as close to nature, in their
unprocessed and unaltered forms, are the most nutritious and harmless.
Nutrients in foods
Milk: Calcium, Vitamin A, D, E, K, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium
Green Vegetables: Fibre, Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin C, K,Potassium, Magnesium
Fruits: Vitamin A, C, Folic Acid, Potassium
Pulses: Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals
Nuts: Protein, Fibre, Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium
Eggs: Vitamin A, D, Protein, Folate, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium/

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