Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HEALTH - ~ The protein that reveals the heart’s ability to repair itself: Thymosin Beta-4

Beyond all the miraculous systems in the body, the heart by itself is
one of the finest examples of flawless creation. No similar artificial
mechanism that"can keep someone alive" has thus far been built,
despite all the recent scientific advances. With the cells that
comprise it, its special valve systems and the manner in which the
opening and closing of these valves isregulated, the heart is an organ
with exceptionally complex and special systems. No other organ can do
anything like the work it performs.
· What happens in the event of an impairment in the functioning of thisorgan?
· How can the heart repair itself following a heart attack?
· What role does the thymosin beta-4 (TB4) molecule play in the
heart's self-repair?
Although it is only 22 dayssince its creation, a small collection of
cells on the left side of the fetus begins to move. This collection of
cells will never stop now, not for a very long time. It will never
tire. It will beat approximately 70 times per minute, some 35 million
times per year, andaround two trillion times over the course of an
average life span. It will pump some 227 million liters of blood over
the course of a lifetime. It will tirelessly feed all the organs of
the body through the network of blood vessels . The heart functions
perfectly in every body because Allah so chooses, and everything it
does is underour Lord's control at every moment. Allah exhibits
Hisartistry of detail in the human body and reveals this in a verse:
" Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs knowing nothing at all,
and gave you hearing, sight and hearts so that perhaps you would show
thanks." (Surat an-Nahl, 78)
This organ, the foundationof life, also uses blood to nourish itself.
However, in order to remind people of their weakness, our Lord may
sometimes cause the vessels that feed the heartto narrow, using such
natural causes as cholesterol (blood fats), other fats, calcium and
combinations of other substances. This then leadsto impaired
circulation in the blood vessels (coronary arteries) that supply the
heart, finally resulting in a heart defect. When the narrowing of the
vessels turns into complete blockage over the course of time, the
result is severe chest pain and a heart attack. This generally proves
fatal, though some victims do survive. But their hearts still suffer
damage from the attack.
Recent studies have once again shown Almighty Allah's love for and
mercy on His servants. Because a protein that the heart produces
during the developmental stage in children enables the damaged heart
to be repaired and increases the vessels supplying it.
The Healing Power of the Heart: Thymosin Beta-4
During a heart attack, heart cells die when the flow of blood to the
heart is suddenly cut off, resulting in irreparable damage. This
damage persists in the form of a decreased quality of life in the
patient's later life.
Until recently it used to bethought that, unlike other organs, the
heart had no ability to repair itself. Today, however, we knowthat
this damage can be put right by the body. The protein thymosin beta-4
(TB4), which plays a key role in the development ofthe heart in
children, activates stem cells that are lie dormant in the adult
heart. These tiny proteins, known as thymosin, which comes in two
forms in living tissue, α 1 and β 4, possess the ability to reprogram
cells in the body. The protein is today administered in the form of a
drug, and sends the stem cells a code regarding the repair of
theheart. The heart thus healsitself without the need for other
treatment. Administered in pharmaceutical form, this protein improves
heart performance by up to 25%by causing stem cells to turn into heart
and artery cells. It repairs the damaged heart cells, increases the
arteries supplying the heart and permits the muscles to repair
Allah, the Creator of All, Is Most Great
Events in our body that we are unaware of, and whose existence we have
usually never even heard of, take place inside us with the greatest
regularity. Our heartbeat, essential for our survival, is not
something we initiate or maintain of our own will. Our heart is one of
the organs miraculouslycreated by our Lord. This organ begins beating
as a collection of cells when a person is still in his mother's womb,
and continues to flawlessly discharge its duties until the end of that
person's life.
Research in recent years has revealed that in the event of a defect
arising inthis immaculately functioning organ, various proteins go
into action to repair it.

:-> :->

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