Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Shaikh Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him said,
✿:• From Allah's Blessings on a servant is that he be granted
contentment, whether that be regarding his residence, his clothes, his
means of transport, or his children. For when a person is content with
what Allaah has given him, he will remain rich •:✿
[Bulughul-Maraa m, vol. 6, p. 272.]
''If I kept silent and you kept silent,who will teach the ignorant?"
~Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim {Rahimahullah}
"My Lord! Creator of the heavens and earth, You aremy protector in
this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me
with the righteous."
(The Du'aa of Yusuf -alyhissalam- 12:101)

:-> :->

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