Sunday, May 20, 2012

HADEES:->- Virtue of reciting Bismillahupon Tripping or Falling

"A person who was riding behind the Prophet said, 'We were on a trip
when the Prophet's animal tripped, so I said, `Cursed isShaytan.' The
Prophet (sallAllahu Alyhi wasallam) heard this & said, "Do not say,
'Cursed is Shaytan,' for if you say these words, Shaytan becomes
arrogant& stronger and says, 'With my strength I made him fall.'
Instead say, 'Bismillah,'for if you say that Satan will become as
small & weak as a fly." " (Recorded by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad)
♥ SubhanAllah ♥

:-> :->

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