Tuesday, May 22, 2012

HADEES:->-Valleys Full of Gold

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "If the son
of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a
second one; and if he were given the second one, he would love to
havea third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust.
And Allah forgives he who repents to Him." [Bukhari]
Until our remains are mixed with dust (i.e. we die) we continue to
compete with each other inamassing the pleasures of life. Our
condition is that when one desire is satisfied, we immediately desire
to have another desire satisfied. We are always busy in eating,
drinking and having a good time, greedy with thedesire to acquire more
and more of everything.
Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) cautions us saying: "You are obsessed by
greed for more and more until you go down to your graves. Nay, in time
you will come to understand! And once again: Nay, in time you willcome
to understand! Nay, if you could but understand (it) with an
understanding (born) of certainty, you would indeed, most surely,
beholdthe blazing fire (of hell)! In the end you will indeed, most
surely, behold it with the eye of certainty: and onthat Day you will
most surely be called to account for (what you did with) theboon of
life!" [The Quran: Surah Takathur]
The pleasures and comfortsof the world are nothing more than a test
for those who are granted them. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) wishes to
judge how desirous a person is of Jannah by seeing what price they are
willing to pay for it: Do they spend their money in Allah's causes or
on their own enjoyment?
He (subhana wa ta'ala) advises those of us whom He has tested in ways
other than by the bestowing of wealth: "Never stretch your eyes
towards the things We have given to some groupsof them to enjoy, so
that We put them to test thereby, it being merely glamour of the
worldly life.And the bounty of your Lord is much better and more
lasting." [Surah Taha: Ayat 131]

:-> :->

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