Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ADVISE :- ~ Tell Our Children the Truth

If we lie to our children and pretend that we are perfect and that
life is always wonderful, we do them a disservice. Young children are
idealistic by nature, inclined to believe that all people are good,
that adults have the answers, and that their parents are the best and
strongest people in the world. They believe that the adults are
managing the world properly as they should.
As they grow older they begin to see through our pretenses. They see
that our words don't match our deeds, and that adult society is
running the world into the ground, ravaging the natural environment,
making war, and destroying their futures in the process. So our
children become deeply disappointed. This disappointment leads to
cynicism and bitterness. That's when we lose them to alcohol or drugs,
gangsterism or bizarre countercultures.
That's when, in Western society, children begin getting tattoos and
piercings, wearing black clothing and chains, getting drunk and having
casual sex, listening to screaming metal music, and generally saying
to adult society, "I see through your lies, and I want nothing to do
with you. Since there's nothing to believe in, I won't even try."
Some parents strive to maintain the facade because they have no
truthto offer. They are caught up in a meaningless consumerist
lifestyle. Or they may see the hypocrisyof adult society but have no
alternative to offer.
We do! We have Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta'alaa. We have the Qur'an, the
Prophets, and the tremendous life lesson of the Messenger of Allah
(pbuh). We have the amazing lives of the Sahabah, and all the heroesof
Muslim history. We have the shahadah, salat, zakat, sawm, and Hajj. We
have something real, a genuine alternative to corruption and malaise,
but first we must be on the path. We must be dedicated. We don't have
to be perfect but we must be sincere.
So let's do that, and then let's tell our children the truth.
Let's tell them, "I'm not perfect and neither is any other human
being, but I'mworking on it Insha'Allah, and I love you, and that's
what counts. Yes, there is evil and hypocrisy in the world. Yes, adult
society is largely superficial and selfish. But each of us has the
ability to change the world. Each of us is powerful. Go out there and
be a force for change in theworld. Imagine the world as it should be,
then work to bring it about. Be sincere, be strong, keep Allah in your
awareness, and do what you can. If you do that, then you
havesucceeded. No matter what, I will always love you and be proud of

:-> :->

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