Friday, May 25, 2012

ADVISE :- ~ Point Plan for Achieving Your Dreams

Aaisha stated that Prophet Muhammad (Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam)
said, "The deeds which Allah loves the most are those done regularly,
even if they are small." (Bukhari &Muslim).
You can achieve tremendous things if you just take one step at a
timeand keep on going, letting nothing stop you. You can get a
doctorate, or a black belt in martial arts, memorize the Quran, write
a book, start a successful business, or any other great achievement,
if you are consistent, as steady as the sun. It's not about the big
push. It's the light but steady touch that does it.
1. Begin in the name of Allah (Almighty God, the Eternal and
Omnipotent, the Creator of all). Always remember to call upon Himand
ask His help. With Allah, all things are possible. And in seeking
more, always be grateful for what you have. "And remember when your
Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will give you more.'" (Quran,
Surat Ibrahim, 14:7). The numberof blessings in your life is
2. Make a plan. Put your plan on paper, and follow it. Don't limit
yourself. Enlarge your thoughts and hold an image in your mind of what
you want to achieve. Visualize yourself succeeding, and see the steps
necessary to make this happen.
Be as specific as possible when writing your plan. Don't only write,
"I will memorize the Quran in my lifetime." Write down the first step:
"I will memorize three surahs from Juz Amma this month." Insteadof
writing, "I will get fit," write, "I will work out Mon-Wed-Fri from
5pm to 6pm and will lose 5 pounds this month." Instead of writing, "I
will go back to school one day,"write, "I will enroll at City College
for the next fall semester." You get the idea.
3. Know yourself. Work onyour project during the time of day when you
are most productive. I personally work on these articles first thing
in the morning while my mind is fresh. I wake up, say a dua' of
thanks, do a couple of yoga stretches, then sit in front of the
computer and write.
Work on your goal every day, no matter what mood you're in, whether
you are tired, sick, depressed or discouraged. Just do it. If you need
help, seek someone who knows.
4. Believe in yourself. Condition your mind that you can and you will.
Be around people who believein you and support your goals. During my
first Hapkido martial arts grading, three senior instructors sat at
the judging table. I did very well, and after my test one of the
instructors said, "I expect to see you on this side of the table one
day." Inever forgot that and it helped to propel me forward.
Keep positive and constructive thoughts flowing through your mind.
When you find negative thoughts creepingin, send them away and replace
them with positive images of yourself succeeding. Which brings me to…
5. Abolish negativity. Giveup "I can't" and all such negative phrases.
Separate yourself from negative people who only find fault and express
doubt. Such people cannot change theirown lives, let alone helpingyou
with yours. Negative people can destroy you if you let them. So don't
let them.
Never deprecate yourself. Don't call yourself names, or tell yourself
that you arestupid, clumsy, or hopeless.Other people will do enough of
that for you. No need to aid them.
Also try to let go of anger, resentment, bitterness and suspicion.
Those emotions consume a lot of energy and hold you back spiritually
and even physically. You might feel like those emotions protectyou in
some way, but I have lived on that dark side of the street and I can
tell that negativity can onlydestroy. It cannot build. You don't need
those dark emotions. Experience them,then let them go. Use that energy
to move forward instead.
6. Take responsibility. If you fail, be honest about the reasons why,
and look for a way to solve the problem. See failure as a chance to
improve. Don't try to blame others, as thatonly sends your energy in
the wrong direction. If you trip and fall you don't stand in one place
looking for a tree root or a crack in the sidewalk to blame. Youget up
and move on, and maybe you watch your step a little more carefully, or
pick your feet up higher.
Also do not blame your life circumstances, lack of funds, lack of
qualifications,or whatever. No one is born into a perfect life. Take
what you have and build on it.
It's your dream, your plan, your life. Take responsibility and make it happen.
7. Be consistent. Take action. Do. Work toward your plan every day, no
matter what else is happening in your life, but don't burn yourself
out. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) already gave us the formula in the
hadith above. Persistence, determination, small steps, one after
another, every day.
That's how you change yourself, and change the world. I am giving away
the formula, free of charge.
That's how you conquer a mountain.

:-> :->

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