Thursday, May 10, 2012

''Advise'':-/:-/- Life is hard, but the sun still shines:

How is life treating you?
People never answer this question honestly, do they? You ask them,
"What's up?" and they never say, "Oh brother, let me tell you," and
start pouring out their troubles. Because people don't want to burden
But the reality is that manypeople are suffering in some way. They are
dealing with:
Job stresses
Financial worries and debt
Illness, either their own or a family member's
Family problems
Life can be hard sometimes. It can be lonely, frustrating, confusing
and painful.
But Alhamdulillah, although life has its challenges, it's still
preciousisn't it? Every moment is a chance to get closer to Allah, to
express the talentsHe has given us, and to feelthe sunshine on our
If life is hard, hang in there.Ask yourself what steps you can take to
make things better. Even if they are tiny steps – so small that they
seem insignificant to you – have faith, they will make a difference in
In the meantime, count theblessings you've been given. In Surat
Ar-Rahman, Allah asks us over and overagain, "Fa bi ayyi aalaai
rabbikumaa tukathibaan." "Then which of the favors of your Lord will
you deny?"
Breathe deeply and feel your chest rise. Hold your head up. Bite into
a grape or strawberry and taste thepure goodness of it. Step outside
and feel the breezeor the sun on your face. Go the park, sit down with
your back against a tree, and praise Allah. Life is hard, but it's
I'm not dismissing anyone's problems. They are real. But don't lose
sight of the other side of the equation. When I look at my daughter, I
see that Alhamdulillah she is healthy, bright, and she loves me. So
how can I ever feel despair, or be ungrateful to Allah? I cannot./

:-> :->

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