Friday, May 11, 2012

''Advise'':-:- Choose love and peacewill follow:

There is a saying: ""Choose love and peace will follow. Choose peace
and love will follow."
As Muslims we also understand that justice andfairness are vital, and
I think this is one of the distinguishing factors of our deen (our
Islamic way of life). Other religions speak of love, but do not
emphasize justice. But when people are brutalizedand oppressed, what
does it mean to speak of love or peace? When a man has hisboot on
another man's neck, while he loots his home and hurts his family, does
it mean anything to tell the victim to be peaceful?
No, without justice you cannever have peace. That's why Lady Justice
carries a sword in one hand and a balance in the other. The sword
represents the authority of law to enforce peace and punish
criminals.But the sword would be meaningless without the balance,
which indicates the principles of fairness onwhich laws must be built.
This representation of justice is common, and in some versions the
lady is blindfolded, indicating the justice should be applied equally
to all regardless of race or social status.
War, bigotry and hatred are not the original human condition. They are
not inevitable. They don't represent the natural state of the human
1. War is almost always a product of greed and selfishness.
2. Bigotry is not a natural human trait, but is usually bred and
whipped up by cynical leaders looking to exploitpeople's ignorance for
personal aggrandizement. People like Hitler, or Slobodan Milosevic, or
the politicians and radio hosts who whipped up genocidal hatred in
Rwanda, or even the USA's new crop of radical right-wing fanatics like
Sarah Palin. These peopleexploit ignorance, and not only cater to it
but feed it for political gain.
3. Hatred is not the original human condition, but a product of
oppression and suffering.
Treat people fairly, be honest, and do not covet what is not yours,
and there will be no war. Peaceis not an elusive dream, or a
mysterious goal at the end of some obscure path. The road to peace is
obvious, but it takes unerring honesty, and totaljustice.
So I would amend the saying to, "Act justly and peace will follow.
Choose peace and love will follow."

:-> :->

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