Sunday, April 15, 2012

You change the world, or the world changes you

Keep faith in yourself and don't let anyone else define your reality.
You arestrong and unique. You have a particular mission inthis life
that only you can fulfill. You can wake up in the morning and change
the world, one small step at a time, just by fulfilling your unique
Maybe you think, "Hey, I don't want to change the world. I just want
to stay sane, take care of myself and my family, perform theIslamic
rituals and hope forJannah."
The thing is, life is always acontest between the worldchanging you,
or you changing the world. The world pushes, and if you don't push
back then it willinevitably corrupt you in one way or another.
Today's world tries to change you through the pressures of:
*. blind materialism
*. consumerism
*. sexual imagery in the media
*. constant advertising
*. negative portrayals of Islam
*. alcohol and drug use
*. peer pressure
to name a few.
Sometimes the pressures are more brutal and blunt: emotional or sexual
abuse, pornography, violence, racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred and
Iman (faith) is not static. It rises or it falls, but it never freezes
in place. If the world is not changing you then you must be
changingthe world.
You change the world by spreading light, teaching truth, being
honorable and kind, behaving with sincerity in all things, showing
compassion to all people, and always being just. You exert an outward
pressure of truth that has atransformational effect on those around
you, beginning with your family, and then rippling out to all those
you come in contact with, and then everyone they come in contact with,
flowing outward in concentric circles.
The ultimate world-changer – and our eternal example – was the
ProphetMuhammad (peace be upon him). Allah describes Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) in the Quran as an illuminating lamp: "O Prophet, indeed We
have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner.
And one who invites to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating
lamp." (Quran, Al Ahzab 45-46).
The Prophet's light radiatesthroughout humanity and the ages. Any
objective observer must admit the power and influence of the Prophet's
tremendous struggle. A non-Muslim writer named Michael Hart, in his
book, "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History",
ranked the Prophet Muhammad as thesingle most influential human being
in history.
The Prophet grew up in a society of idol worship, moral corruption and
constant blood feuds, but he never allowed that society to taint his
innocent nature. Not knowing how he should worship Allah, he kept
himself distant from the evil around him and sought Allah in his own
way, until Prophethood came to him. When it did, he accepted the
burden and fulfilled the trust, exerting an outward pressure so
powerful that it changed the entire worldforever.
The same is true for you and I, on a smaller scale. We've been given a
trust and a mission. We are to be callers to Tawheed , witnesses for
truth, a civilizing force, champions of human equality, and restorers
of human values (the fact that many modern Muslims have failed
abominably on everypoint does not change the truth of this).
"O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not
die except as Muslims[in submission to Him].
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become
divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were
enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His
favor,brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He
saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that
you may be guided.
And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is]
good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and
thosewill be the successful." (Quran, Aal-Imran: 102-104)
That is our mission and trust. If we fulfill it – even ifwe only try –
we will change the world, maybe incrementally, maybe profoundly. / :-:
Translator :-:
:-> :-> :-> :-> :->

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