Monday, April 16, 2012

World > Americas U.S. Secret Service under spotlight afterprostitution flap 2012-04-16 11:35:25 GMT 2012-04-16 19:35:25(Beijing Time)

A Secret Service agent stands guard as U.S. President Barack Obama
departs on the Marine Onehelicopter for travel to Colombia for the
Summit of Americas, from the White House in Washington April 13, 2012.
(REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
WASHINGTON - They are known for their shiny sunglasses, dark suits,
and stern gazes.
Secret Service agents, the men and women who protect U.S. leaders, are
as much a part of the American political tableau as the presidents,
cabinet officials, and candidates they shadow and protect.
But, unlike their high-profile charges, they are not supposed to make news.
The suspension of 11 agents this weekend after alleged misconduct
involving prostitutes in Colombia brought unwelcome headlines and
attention to the agency's culture.
One critic said the incidentreflected a systemic breakdown of
standards and practices among overworked agents that could leave a
president vulnerable to an attack.
An investigation will showwhether the event, which overshadowed
President Barack Obama's meetings with Latin American leaders in
Cartagena, Colombia, was an unfortunate anomaly or a sign of an
agency-wide problem.
Either way, it shed light on the human frailties andworking conditions
of a group expected to perform discreet and self-sacrificing services
for U.S. leaders.
People familiar with the Secret Service described long work hours on
stressful presidential trips, some of which are scheduled at the last
Agents often meet at hotel bars at the end of the day on such trips to
drink and unwind. Those who are not traveling with the president
sometimes hold "wheels-up" parties after Air Force One has lifted off
for Washington or another destination.
On Thursday, some U.S. agents brought a number of prostitutes back to
a beachfront hotel in Cartagena near where Obama was due to stay the
following day, according to a local police source, sparking a weekend
of scandal.
"We've heard about these wheel-up parties when the president leaves,"
said congressman Darrell Issa, speaking on CBS' "Face theNation"
"Well, this was a pre-wheel-down. So the question is, is the whole
organization in need of some soul-searching, some changes ... before
the president, the vice president, members of thecabinet are in
Ralph Basham, a former director of the agency who is now a principal
with Command ConsultingGroup, said the incident was a rare mishap for
an agency that prides itself on its professionalism.
"I do not believe that there is a systemic problem in the Secret
Service because if there were, this wouldn't be such a huge story," he
toldReuters in an interview.
"This is really an abnormality."
David Gergen, a political analyst who worked for four presidents
including Ronald Reagan, who survived an assassination attempt thanks
to Secret Service protection, said occasional incidents such as the
one in Colombia were not out of character given the masculinity of
many in the profession.
Overall, he said, the agents were brave, outstanding people.
"These are guys who are willing to take a bullet to save a president.
I've seen them do that," Gergen said. "My hope is people keep it in
One prominent critic was less forgiving, saying the connection to
prostitutes should end the careers of the agents involved.
"The fact that they were engaged in this conduct, you know,
compromises the agents," said Ronald Kessler, author of "In the
President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line
of Fire and the Presidents They Protect."
"The prostitutes could have blackmailed them, could have been involved
with terrorists, drug cartel people, or foreign intelligence
services," he said. "Any foreign intelligence service would love to
get a Secret Serviceagent in their pocket."
Kessler said the events in Colombia were illustrative of a general
slide of Secret Service standards. He citedthe admittance of uninvited
guests to a White House holiday partyearly in Obama's tenure asfurther
evidence of lax behavior.// - -|
Translator: - - - -

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