Friday, April 20, 2012

Understand Islam

He is Allaah..
The First: Nothing is before Him.
The Last: Nothing is After Him.
The Most High: Nothing is Above Him.
The Most Near: Nothing is beyond His Reach.
He Begets Not, Nor was He Begotten.
The Creator, Provider, and All-Rich.
The All-Seer, The All-Knower.
He is One and Self-Sufficient.
He is not Nature, or any part of it.
He ascended above HisThrone, High above the Seven Skies.
No Vision can encompass Him, but
His Grasp is over all vision...
) ذَلِكُمُ اللّهُ رَبُّكُمْلا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ
فَاعْبُدُوهُ وَهُوَ عَلَىكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ ( [الأنعام، 102]
Such is Allaah, your Lord, none has the right to be worshipped but He,
the Creator of all things. "So worship Him ( alone ), andHe is the
Wakeel (Trustee Disposer of affairs, Guradian, etc . ( over all
things." ] Quran, Ch. 6, 102 ; translated meaning]
) لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ ( [الشورى: ١١]
"Nothing Is Like Unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer "
[ Quran, Ch. 42, 11 ; translated meaning]
Welcome to All
Basic facts about Islam are known only to the few. Theobjective of
this site is to provide beneficial & authentic knowledge regarding
Islam, its creed, and methodology vis a vis the entire codes of life.
Thisis illustrated by the QuranicVerse:
) قُلْ إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلّهِ رَبِّ
الْعَالَمِينَ ( ] الأنعام: ١٦٢ [
Say: Verily, my Prayers, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for
Allaah ( the true God ), the Lord of all that exists. [ Quran, Ch. 6,
162 ; translated meaning ]
Accordingly, Islam is a comprehensive "religion" that describes the
way to fulfill the purpose behind our creation. This is to worship
none but our Creator, Allaah: the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, and Muhammad, the final and last messenger to all mankind. /- -

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