Saturday, April 28, 2012

Taste of summer

"This time, it's hotter than last year," that's what everyone is
saying these days. And this time, it is no exaggeration. Soaring
temperatures are leading to cases of heat exhaustion– a rarity here.
But don't letthose television commercials fool you into buying fizzy
drinks to quench your thirst. What you eat and drink need notalways
cool you.
Drink water
Liquids in the form of water and fresh juices trump everything else in
extreme heat. Mini Mary Prakash, chief clinical dietician, PRS
Hospital, adds that it would do goodto up one's water intake from the
usual two litres toanywhere between 3.5 andfour litres: "Green tea is
recommended instead of regular tea as it has less caffeine. Alcoholic
beverages, chilled drinks, even iced tea won't help asthey have a
diuretic effect, leading to more loss of water from the body. Chilled
drinks constrict the blood vessels and obstruct sweat."
She also advises adding a few sprigs of mint to one's early morning
cup of greentea. "That's no substitute for water," says Jayasree N.S.,
senior dietician, KIMS. "One can drink up to 15 glasses of water every
day." She adds: "Coffee beyond the normal limit will only add to the
heat asit contains caffeine. Chocolates also increases body heat,"
says Jayasree.
Milk, that too low-fat, and curd, also in variations like buttermilk,
are recommended as it also provides calcium. Tomato juice is also
great for the weather as it provides lycopene. "Lycopene helps repair
the body's tissues. Cucumber, musk melons orwater melons are good
tooas they are high in water content." Those looking to lose weight
should skip thesugar when drinking juices."It is good if those dieting
do not substitute fruit juicefor water as it can lead to weight gain,"
says Mini.
Jayasree points out that people can help themselves best by avoiding
foods with fat content: "Avoid snacking on puff pastries, cake, things
of that sort as they will surely have fattening ingredients such as
butter or ghee to help increase taste and texture. Fried food such as
chips and puris should not be had either."
Red meats are a strict no-no, while chicken and fish are still better,
though again not fried. "Everythingwe have for a sadya is acceptable.
As for vegetarians, it is importantto keep having pulses."
Mini says the summer is also the season when people tend to contract
food-borne illnesses. "Vendors add ice to fruit juices. This may not
alwaysbe hygienic. Yoghurt contains probiotic bacteria that decreases
chances of food-borne infections. It should be made a part of one's
daily diet."
Save dry fruits like dates, figs and apricots for winter."The absence
of water in them will only make one thirsty. Also avoid sugary foods
or anything with honey or molasses as they will make one thirsty and
tired. Ice cream and beer, though summer favourites,have a temporary
cooling effect on the body. Food that is too salty or spicy adds to
the discomfort as they generate heat," Mini says.
Both dieticians agree on the goodness of vegetarianfood in summer.
"Christiansobserve Lent in summer. It is a time when the community
follows a vegetarian diet. This has health benefits too," adds Mini.
For those who didn't know,Mini says cardamom, gooseberry, papaya,
mushroom and pomegranate compromise 'cooling' foods too. Mango, she
adds, increases heat: "Ifyou are really craving mangoes, put them in
water overnight and then have them as it absorbs the heat."
So now that you know, bring more of the right food into your diet to
stay cool during summer.

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