Friday, April 13, 2012

Skincare tips: Home tips for beautiful, younger looking skin!

Why spend money on expensive parlour treatment, when you havea kitchen
you can raid..
This party season, you are bound to have late nights and back to back
events toattend. Learn the secret to glowing skin with us as we chat
with Swati Gupta, Creative Director, Body Craft spa and salon.
Simple tips for glowing skin!
*. Hydrate yourself : Carry a bottle of water wherever you go and keep
sipping throughoutthe day. Your skin loves water ! Try consuming
atleast 4 litres of water a day.
*. Watch your diet : Try including at least 4 fruitsin your diet. Dry
fruits also contribute to nourishment of your skin. Keep your food
light, increase your intake of pulses and fish.
*. Stay sun safe : Sunscreen is a must if you are stepping out. Click
here to know more about different sunscreens.
*. Moisturise your skin : Before putting on make up in the evening or
going to bed, a coat of moisturiser is a must/

:-: Translator :-:

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