Monday, April 16, 2012

Shift workers 'risking'Type 2 diabetes and obesity

Shift workers getting too little sleep at the wrong time of day may be
increasing their risk of diabetes and obesity, according to
The team is calling for more measures to reduce the impact of shift
workingfollowing the results of its study.
Researchers controlled the lives of 21 people, including meal and bedtimes.
The results, published in Science Translational Medicine , showed
changes to normal sleep meant the body struggled to control sugar
Some participants even developed early symptomsof diabetes within weeks.
Shift work has been associated with a host of health problems.
Doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital, in the US, were trying to
study its effects in a controlled environment.
Lower insulin levels
The 21 health-trial participants started with 10 hours' sleep at
night. This was followed by three weeks of disruption to their sleep
and body clocks.
The evidence is clear thatgetting enough sleep is important for
health, andthat sleep should be at night for best effect"
Dr Orfeu Buxton
Brigham and Women's Hospital
The length of the day was extended to 28 hours, creating an effect
similar toa full-time flyer constantly getting jet lag.
Participants were allowed only 6.5 hours' sleep in the new 28-hour
day, equivalent to 5.6 hours in anormal day. They also livedin dim
light to prevent normal light resetting the body clock.
During this part of the study, sugar levels in the blood were
"significantly increased" immediately after a meal and during"fasting"
parts of the day.
The researchers showed that lower levels of insulin - the hormone that
normally controls blood sugar - were produced.
Three of the participants had sugar levels which stayed so high after
their meals they were classified as "pre-diabetic".
They also highlighted a riskof putting on weight as thebody slowed down.
"The 8% drop in resting metabolic rate that we measured in our
participants... translates into a 12.5-pound increase in weight over a
single year," they wrote.
Clearly, this does not equate to the normal experience of shift
workers... it is not possible to conclude that the findings would
translate to real conditions in the wider public" / :-: Translator :-:
:-> :-> :-> :-> :->

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