Friday, April 13, 2012

A miracle and a miracle worker:

أسلام عليكم

A miracle and a miracle worker

Each of us is a walking miracle.
"Among His Signs in this, that He created you from dust; and then,-
behold, you are human beings scattered (far and wide)!" – Quran,
Our existence is a miracle. That we are here, on this tiny planet
revolving in space, thinking our thoughts, sailing the ocean,growing
crops, loving, worshiping, forgiving, living and dying, is a miracle.
Our aspirations, hopes and bravery are miracles and gifts.
Beyond that, each of us hasthe potential to be a miracle worker, not
in the sense of walking on water or splitting the sea, but in changing
the world, spreading peace, and beingexamples of love and faith in

:-: Translator :-:

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