Thursday, April 26, 2012

Have you, O brothers & sisters, tried to learn, memorize & recite the amazing du'aas from the Qur'an?

Have you, O brothers & sisters, tried to learn, memorize & recite the
amazing du'aas from the Qur'an? About which Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn
Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said:
•►"So people should make the du'as that are found in the Qur'an and
Sunnah, for there is no doubt in "the excellence in the blessings"of
these du'as. These du'as are of the straight path - the path of those
whom Allah has favored - of the prophets, the truthful ones,the
martyrs, and the righteous, and what a great company they are! "
SubhanAllah, so what are you waiting for? Start memorizing & reciting
these beautiful du'aas NOW! :) May Allah accept from us! Ameen!/

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