Sunday, April 22, 2012


Abu-d-Dardaa' – once said:
"If only you knew what you will certainly see upon your death, you
would never again eat a single bite out of a craving appetite, and you
would never again drink an extra sip of water for the pleasure of
unquenchable and insatiable thirst.
Hence, you will remain outdoor in perpetuity, bewildered and awaiting
the unexpected, and you will never again seek comfort in a shelter or
seeka shade. You will wander aimlessly and climb the hilltops of every
mountain, you will look up towards the heavens and beseech your Lord
for mercy, and you will beat on your chestand cry endlessly, and you
will wish that you were a little vegetable – a plant which is
protected to grow,and then plucked to be eaten by a hungry person
passing along."

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