Sunday, April 8, 2012

Facts on Islam

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Narrated Ubai bin Ka'b: I found a purse containing one hundred Diners.
So I went to the Prophet (and informed him about it), he said, "Make
public announcement about it for one year" I did so, but nobody turned
up to claim it, so I again went to the Prophet who said,"Make public
announcement for another year." I did, but none turned up to claim it.
I went to him for the third time and he said,"Keep the container and
the string which is used for its tying and count the money it contains
and if its owner comes, give it to him; otherwise, utilize it."The
sub-narrator Salama said,"I met him (Suwaid, another sub-narrator) in
Mecca and he said, 'I don't know whether Ubai made the announcement
for three years or just one year.' "
Bukhari Book 3, Volume 42, Hadith 608
I want to ask you my brothers and sisters that how many times do we
seethings that are not ours, then that we made public announcement(
not necessarily on mass Media but) in our immediate environment. We
should fear Allah the way He ought to be feared.May Allah help us to
behave and act in the best manner,ameen
Ma salam !
-- :-:

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