Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cold & Precation

Often referred to as fever blisters, cold sores are caused by Herpes
simplex virus type 1. There is also a Herpes simplex virus 2
thatcauses genital herpes. However, according to the Mayo Clinic,
either virus cancause sores on the face or genitals. Once an
individualhas contracted the virus, heor she has it for life, as there
is no cure for the virus. The virus can lay dormant for months or
Cold sores can be very painful and unattractive (see pictures of cold
sores). Symptoms usually include small blisters that are red and
filled with fluid. Patients may also experience pain and tingling in
the infected area. Overall, a cold sore should last about 10 days.
While there is no cure for cold sores, you can take some preventative
measures to hopefully prevent them from occurring:
*. Do not share items such as towels, utensils and lipbalm with
someone who has an outbreak.
*. Avoid kissing an individual if he or she hasopen or healing blisters.
*. Use sun block.
*. Avoid stressful situations that may trigger blister outbreaks.

:-: Translator :-:

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