Sunday, April 15, 2012

ARE YOU DOWN ON YOURSELF? Before all else: If you feel a nagging within yourself, of any kind, for any reason, just get rid of it. Under no condition should you let the negative feeling improve within you. As long as you have the chance tobreathe in,

As we begin, the author wants to point out that this article is not an
attack on Christianity, but addresses certain ways that Christianity
has been taught to humanity, that the author feels are particularly
harmful to our development into True Human Beings.
Many Sufis come from a Roman Catholic, or Christian background. The
Roman Catholic Church (and as far as this author knows, the Christian
Churches ) teach Original Sin. This is the belief that we are
fundamentally flawed and sinful. There is a preoccupation with sin
inthe Catholic Church, to the point where it is considered "spiritual"
to constantly regard oneself as evil or sinful. This preoccupation
with sin often travels with us when we decide to walk the dervish
The nafs are subtle and can attack in unexpected ways.Who would have
thought that the nafs would say that we are sinful? There is something
called "The Tyranny of the Nafs." The nafs are tyrants. What worse
tyrant can you imagine than a tyrant that is always telling you that
you are bad and being punished for your past sins?
Many people have a love affair with suffering. Suffering is something
obsessional and considered"good" by some in the Catholic Church. Pain
itself is often not optional; however, suffering often contains an
ego-involvement with pain. Stubbing your toe is painful; but to then
tell yourself that you stubbed your toe because Allah is punishing
you, that is suffering. Some people are in love with their
suffering.These people believe that unless they are suffering,
something is not right. They actually become anxious if they begin to
feel peaceful.
We believe that the constant emphasis by the Catholic Church on
the"suffering" of the Prophet Isa (a.s.) indoctrinates a young person,
devoted to God, into believe that suffering is spiritual. Therefore to
perpetuate their suffering they turn to believing themselves
sinful,deficient, ugly, and unworthy of Allah's many blessings. Allah
created youfor a reason. He put you onearth to serve, not to
narcissistically obsess with your past.
However, by far the worse attack of the nafs is when they tell us
moderation is not enough. They are setting us up for failure.
Sometimes the nafs are notsatisfied unless they destroy the dervish.
Why? Often the dervish gives up, and leaves the tariqat , feeling he
or she cannot possibly achieve the high standards of godliness
demanded of him or her. However, are these standards really demanded?
No. Imam Ali (a.s.) and Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi constantly tell us
that moderation is the bestcourse. Study carefully the life and words
of the Mercyto the Worlds, Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) and you will
see that he too always urged his companions to practice moderation.
Yet, we (through the influences of our nafs) think that we can do more
than the Prophet asked of us. In fact, we think that we can do the
work of Allah. We pass judgment on ourselves, on our behavior, on our
past, and decide that we are no good. Astagfirullah! Who is Al-Hakam ?
He, Allah, is Al-Hakam, the Judge. You are not the Judge. Because of
constant brainwashing from the nafs, the nafs constantly whisper in
your ear, "You are no good. You are sinful." Does any part ofyou have
the right to Judgeyou? Only, Allah Al-Hakam has the right to judge
In addition, as a dervish, you are required to believein Allah's
Mercy, that His Mercy exceeds His wrath. Maybe your mind does not want
you to be merciful to yourself (but that is just programming from your
religious past and the workof nafs). How can you disagree with Allah,
and insist that His wrath exceeds His Mercy! Moreover, even worse,
howcan you take Allah's job on for yourself, and already condemn
yourself before Allah has judged you?:-> :-: Translator
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :->

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