Saturday, March 17, 2012

* best to consult Imaams' before follow? :-> Tahiyyatul Masjid (Greeting The Masjid) When you enter the Masjid, you should first perform two units of prayer, which are called Tuhiyyatul-Masj id (which literally means, greeting the Masjid). Although Tuhiyyatul-Masj id is not compulsory to perform, it is nonetheless a stressed Sunnah. Abu Qataadah As~Salamee(ra) related that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "When one of you enters the Masjid, then let him perform two Rak'ahs (units of prayer) before he sits down." Related by Bukhaaree (444),Muslim (714), Ahmad (22017), At-Tirmidhee (316), An·Nassaaee (730), Abu Daawood (467), Ibn Maajah (1013), and Ad-Daarimee (1393). The Prophet's command indicatesthat Tuhiyyutul-Masj id is obligatory, but when this Hadith iscombined with the meaning of other narrations, Tuhiyyutul-Masj id is reduced from the level of obligatory to the level of recommended. One of those narrations is related by Talhah Ibn 'Ubaidullah (ra). He (saw) said, "A man came to theMessenger of Allah from the people of Najd; his hair was ruffled, his voice roared, and whathe said was unintelligible. Then hecame near and asked about Islam.The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Five prayers in the day and night (i.e., five prayers a day) The man said, 'Is there anything else upon me?' He (saw) said, "No, unless you do something elsevoluntarily" Then at the end of the Hadith, Talhah(ra) said, "As the man turned to leave, he said, 'By Allah, Iwill neither do more nor less than this' The Messenger of Allah (saw)said, 'He will achieve success if he is true to his word' Related by Bukhaaree (46), Muslim(11), Ahmad (1393), An-Nassaaee (458), Abu Daawood (391), Maalik (425), and Ad-Daarimee (1578). Although the two units of Tuhiyyutul-Masj id are not compulsory, the people of Emaan should always perform them, for there is much good and virtue in them. . Allah(swt) knows the best/

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