Monday, March 26, 2012

:: 2. Al-Baqarah -The Heifer ::.... Ya ayyuha alnnasukuloo mimma fee al-ardi halalan tayyibanwala tattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytaniinn ahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun Innama ya/ murukum bialssoo-iwaalfahsh a-i waan taqooloo AAala Allahima la taAAlamoona ENGLISH Translation – Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Ph.D. & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan [2:168] O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth, and follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). Verily,he is to you an open enemy. [2:169] [Shaitan (Satan)] commands you only what is evil and Fahsha (sinful), and that you should say against Allah what you know not. ENGLISH TAFSIR - TAFSIR IBN ABBAS Allah then mentions the lawfulness of cultivating land and raising cattle, saying: (O mankind) O people of Mecca! (Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome) that is not prohibited by Allah (in the earth) of what is cultivated in lands and of cattle, (and follow not the footsteps of the devil) the embellishments and whisperings of the devil concerning the unlawfulness of the cultivation of land and of raising cattle. (Lo! He is an open enemy for you) whose enmity towards you is quite manifest. (He) the devil (enjoineth upon youonly the evil) evil works (and the foul) transgressions, (and that ye should tell) lies (concerning Allah that which ye know not/

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