“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Hajj & Umrah, - * Hajj is a Reflection of the Ummah
One of the advantages of a mirror is that it reflects the reality of things clearly and precisely. A person who has a mirror takes care to ...
Hajj & Umrah, - * If Only We Understood Hajj!
Share When I was very young, at the end of every Thursday I would stand with the other children at the outskirts of our village wai...
Hajj & Umrah, - * Hidden Wisdom Underlyingthe Rituals of Hajj
Share The rituals of theHajjentail great wisdom and excellent lessons, the most important of which is a manifestation of humility t...
Making Up Missed Prayers, - Dought & clear, - * Praying Witr after the adhaan of Fajr
Share What happens if one intends on praying Witr but unintentionally sleeps in or is eating for Suhoor and loses track of time.......
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