“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Dought & clear, - Is the son sinning if he refuses to let his mother travel to visit him because he is concerned about her husband and family?
Share My 45 year old brother lives in Europe, and he is married and has two children from a foreign woman. The problem is that ...
Dought & clear, - Defining a set number of times to send blessings on the Prophet
Share My question is regarding Sufism. As I mixed with a group of them before I knew their reality. After I heard to Sheikh Muna...
Dought & clear, - Making du’aa’ after theobligatory prayers is bid’ah
Share After fard salat (i.e. after saying salam), some people make Dua while others say only Tasbih Fatmi. Some people are adam...
Friday, June 27, 2014
For children, - Ethical Stories: What Goes Around Comes Around!(Carpenter Story)
Share An elderly carpenter was ready to retire, and he told his boss of his plans to leave and live a more leisurely life with ...
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