“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Monday, May 12, 2014
Dought & clear, - (Knowledge ), - Virtue of teaching Arabic
Share ↓ What is the reward on teaching someone arabic? and is there any hadiths?, also what if i ask some to teach me but he re...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
For children, - Just P.U.S.H! Religious Stories for Kids, Obedient to God, Religious Stories for Children
Share ↓ This is a fictional story, only for the purpose of explanation and easy understanding. A man was sleeping at night ...
Hajj & Umrah, - Educational situations from the school of Hajj - II
Share ↓ Educational situations from the school of Hajj - II Share
Hajj & Umrah, - The Conference Legislated by Allaah
Share ↓ When Muslims sight the crescent of the month ofThul-Hijjah, they leave for the House of Allaah from every distant place...
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