“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Dought & clear, - Why is the hand cut off in the case of stealing but not in the case of (daylight) robbery or seizing by force?.
Share ::- What is the difference between the thief (saariq, one who breaks in by stealth and steals something that is kept in an...
Dought & clear, - The punishment for lesbianism.
Share ::- I know that homosexuality is haram, but I wanted to know the punishment for it. I was told by a fellow sister that it i...
Dought & clear, - He has repented from stealing from the kuffaar.
Share ::- I live in a non-muslim country and for a long time was committing many sins, but, alhamdu_lillah who has guided me to...
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