“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Friday, September 27, 2013
Dought & clear, - Sifat al-Salaah (description of the prayer) ->Reciting the opening takbeer quietly in a prayer in which Qur’aan is to be recited out loud.
If I say the opening takbeer quietly in a prayer in which Qur'aan is to be recited out loud, is my prayer valid?. Praise be to Allaah....
Dought & clear, - Sifat al-Salaah (description of the prayer) ->Saying Ameen out loud in Qunoot al-nawaazil (Qunoot of calamities).
When a calamity befalls us, the Imam makes the dua of Qunoot. Do the worshippers behind the imam have to say "Ameen" loudly, or i...
As'salamu Alaikum - - - - - - -Friday, September 27, 2013 Thul-Qi'dah 22, 1434/ - - - - JUMMA MUBARAK !!
As'salamu Alaikum - - - - - - -Friday, September 27, 2013 Thul-Qi'dah 22, 1434/ - - - - JUMMA MUBARAK !!
Imam Hasan Askari (as): Revealed the Truth about Christians
A severe draught took shape in one of the years in Samarra, Iraq. Rain had not fallen for some time and crops were drying up. People were ...
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