“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The Region that Manages the Emotional Responses: “AMYGDALA”
Our Almighty Lord created the human soul in various ways. Every person has different tastes, different social relationships. Allah, th...
Strong plants that can withstand difficult conditions
Which plant can meet its water needs through its leaves in addition to its roots? How does the canary flower protect itself from the ...
The selective nature of the nerve cells
• What is the resting potential of the neurons and how is it preserved? • What is action potential and how are the signals transmitted?...
jesuswillreturn -
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Not Bring a New Religion He will lead as you for 40 years according to the Book of your Lord and the sunnah of y...
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