“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Friday, July 19, 2013
Dought & clear - He forgets to keep the intention in mind when doing most deeds.
I forget to form the intention when doing most deeds. What should I do?. Praise be to Allaah. Intention (niyyah) is an important matter, a...
Dought & clear - Conditions for deeds to be acceptable to Allaah.
When a Muslim does an action, what conditions make it acceptable and therefore rewarded by Allah. Is it simply that you intended to follow...
Holy Book of Islam: Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracleand Complete Way of Life
Imam Reza (as) has said:"Wisdom is man's friend, and ignorance is his enemy." Ibn Sikkit, a great literaryscholar of his era,...
Miracle of Islam: Excavation of the Graves of true Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Though in normal cases and circumstances the dead bodies in the grave decompose and disintegrate yet there areproofs where the dead bodies ...
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