“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Appu: I would like some crocodile shoes please. Pappu: Certainly, Sir! What size shoe does your crocodile wear? Good resolutions are likec...
Appu: I would like some crocodile shoes please. Pappu: Certainly, Sir! What size shoe does your crocodile wear? Good resolutions are likec...
Hypocrites do not want to struggle for the morality of Islam to prevail throughout the world
They said, 'There are tyrants in it, Moses. We will not enter it until they leave. If they leave it, then we will go in.' (Surat al...
According to the Qur'an the dominion of the morality of Islam over the world is an obligation
In many verses of the Qur'an Allah promises the dominion of the morality of Islam all overthe world. The promise of our All-Mighty Lor...
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