“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Friday, February 1, 2013
Praying Jumu‘ah in the neighbourhood mosque is better unless there is some purpose tobe served by going to a more distant mosque.,Friday Prayers, - Dought & clear,-
country, and many of the brothers in the mosque dislike the imam, because his khutbahs are too long and he reviles the people. Should we p...
Ruling on offering Jumu‘ah prayer in a church where there are images or statues.,Dought & clear,-
working in UK. We muslim doctors are usually at work during Juma prayer time. Hence often it UK doctors at work offer Juma prayer in small...
Walking with a bag of bread by night
Walking with a bag of bread by night Ali Ibn Al Husain used to lead a seemingly miserly life. But when he died they discovered that he was...
Kind words shine like the moon,
Kind words shine like the moon Mus'ab ibn Umayr was the first of ambassador of Rasul Allah in Madinah. Before Rasul Allah had arrived ...
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