“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tales of ''Feathered Dinosaurs'' No Longer Deceive Anyone
A report titled "Dinosaur Fossil Reveals Creature ofa Different Feather" recently appeared on the Science News web site. This rep...
Physical characteristics of Angels-II
The great size of the bearers of the Throne: Prophet Muhammad said: "I have been granted permission to speak about one of the angels ...
Physical characteristics ofAngels- I
What they were created from andwhen The substance from which Allaah,the Most Exalted, created angels is light. It is narrated on the autho...
Dought & clear - , There is no stipulation that Jumu‘ah prayer should be offeredin a masjid or jaami‘.
One of my acquaintence comented that, Juma is only valid in a place where all five daily prayers are being offered in congregation. Praise b...
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