“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Sacred Relics
When the caliphate passed to the Ottoman Empire, the sacred relics,consisting of items belonging to the Prophet Muhammad (saas) and his fo...
Dought & clear - Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque .
If the pilgrim performing Hajj or 'Umrah wants to visit theProphet's Mosque, should he form the intention of visiting the mosque or...
Dought & clear - She left instructions to deprive her oldest son ofhis inheritance because she had helped him to get married with her money.
A woman died and left behind some money andsome gold. Before she died, she left instructions that her oldest son should not be given any of...
Islamic Stories - The Shaikh who brought back a pigeonto life
A friend of mine told me this story: When I was young I had a shaikh, one of the greatest human beings I have ever known. I had met him qu...
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