“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Wudu (Ablution)
According to Quran and Sunnah Allah's Messenger said, The key to Paradise is prayer and the key to prayer is cleanliness (Ablution) . ...
People do the Strangest Things:
Man Hangs by Feet in Two Hour Protest A man suspended himself upside down in Trafalgar Square to protest against the rising costof living ...
Story Amy Foster
Kennedy is a country doctor, and lives in Colebrook, on the shores of Eastbay. The high ground rising abruptly behind the red roofs of the ...
The problems facing modern civilization
A contemporary commentator once observed that just as perversion has set in Western society, it has also taken root in Muslim society. Then...
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