“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Monday, October 8, 2012
Allah's Signature on Mountains
Unfortunately, today many of the "smartest" people of this world deny the existence of God. Suppose one of them walks by a mounta...
Signs of Allah in Dreams
Islam tells us that a person in the grave is either enjoying a peaceful stay or going through punishments depending on his/her deeds. Howe...
The Third Caliph, Uthman(644-656 A.C.)
"Every Prophet has an assistant, and my assistant will be Uthman."(Hadeeth) Uthman's Election When 'Umar fell under the ...
Imam an-Nasa’i
Ahmad ibn Shu'aib an-Nasa'i (r.a) – [215 - 303 A.H.] Imam an-Nasa'i was bornin the town of Nasa' in the Persian province of...
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