“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Entering Medina without Ihram for those who live close
Question: We live in a city close to Medina Munawwara. I wanted to inquire if we are allowed to travel to Makkah without Ihraam. If for in...
Using contraceptive pills in order to perform hajj
Question: Asslamoualaikoum, Alhamdullilah, my family and I are planning to perform hajj this year. I wouldlike to know if my sisters and ...
Umrah with Father's Foster-Father
Question: Am I allowed to go to umrah with my father's foster father who looked after my father for many year from the age of 13 onwar...
I am impatient and awaiting to perform umrah.
Question: I am currently a 19-year old girl, and compared to many people still very young. For 2 years now I have been waiting to go to Sa...
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